yes... i think i could earn the most inconsistent blogger of the year award. winter break is coming up which means more time though!! i have some ideas for upcoming posts, but finding time to do fashion shoots and things of that sort is difficult. in lieu of a philosophical post about OCD and life in general, i have decided to just post some pictures from the past month or so showing what i have been up to.
found in my math notes
gluten free cupcakes for my birthday
half eaten pumpkin macaron and waiting to be eaten red velvet macaron
guava... yum.
flower headbands i made for halloween- my friend and i dressed as flower children
new pens i ordered from muji
typical study buddy begging for food that i snuck upstairs
family trip to california
black friday shopping with my younger sister
green tea latte
my first pair of doc martens
and coffee to keep me awake