Tuesday, February 26, 2013

being nice

right now i am very frustrated with school. for some odd reason, i constantly find myself asking the question "why can't you just be nice?" i ask myself this question and think to myself what could possibly give someone the urge to be out right mean. thus far i have failed to come up with a plausible reason, so for right now i will go with some possibilities that may make you laugh:

1) they really have to go to the bathroom and everyone knows that going to the bathroom in school sucks
2) they are really sweaty and smelly from that horrific 20 minute run in gym class
3) they really like your outfit but instead of just complimenting it, the more rational thing to do would be to say something mean
4) they walked out of the house with a little bit of toothpaste on the edge of their mouth and their best friend pointed it out to them as they were walking into school
5) the lunch room did not have their favorite type of chips

as you can see, these possibilities are just ridiculous. although these may not actually be the motivations behind someone's rudeness, being mean for no apparent reason is just as ridiculous.

the moral of the story: you never know what someone is going through on a day to day basis and what struggles they have had to overcome/are overcoming. mean actions and rude behavior is completely unnecessary. i feel so stupid writing this blog post because i seems as if i am teaching children how to be nice to each other, yet everything im saying is true. i guess some high schoolers never learned adequate social skills in elementary school when the rest of us did. 

they may be the smartest, prettiest, most athletic person in the whole school but they could also be the meanest. when it comes down to it, after high school, no one is going to care whether or not you got an a in ap us history, or whether or not you were the star of the lacrosse team. what matters is your social skills and your ability to connect to other human beings.

***i do not own these pictures***

i hope those of you who have been bullied like myself can take something away from this.. maybe a good laugh (although now that i look back on this it wasnt very funny) or just some comfort to know that you are not alone 


  1. Replies
    1. thank you for checking out my blog :) it really means a lot

  2. amazingly inspiring
    youre the best


    1. thank you so much, im so happy you enjoyed it :)
